Dawn Meal offering of Buddhist Monk

The first meal of Buddhist monks taken at daybreak offer by association to carry out certain religious duties with regularly.
There are many respectable facts in Myanmar concerns with religious, we would like to present one among of all the respectable facts of Buddhist religious. This is the first meal of Buddhist monks taken at daybreak offer by association to carry out certain religious duties regularly.

Traditional food offer by association to carry out certain religious duties regularly celebrate in Sagaing City of Myanmar. According to the adage that “Dawn in Sagaing and Thingyan in Mandalay”, Sagaing city and association to carry out certain religious duties are better than among all of the other city in Myanmar.

Some association to carry out certain religious duties had developed since around 1100 of year based on the Buddhist Era. And then around 1156, at the reign of Boredaw U Wyne, they start to offer the first meal of Buddhist monks at dawn.

The people of association to carry out certain religious duties regularly in Sagaing wear same white garb and fly the Buddhist flag and walk didn’t put on footwear to the pagoda, monastery and religious celebrations and then offer four thing that the Buddhist has permitted monks to accept as offerings that food ,robe worn by Buddhist monk, monastery and medicine.

Although association to carry out certain religious duties regularly in Sagaing stop at the reign of King BaGyiTaw, around Buddhist year 1199, at the reign of King TharYarWaDi, start again the association and make a devotional offering by dressing like courtier.

At the reign of MinDoneMin, association to carry out certain religious duties developed more and more.And than after the reign of King Thibaw ended, the association to carry out certain religious duties stopped about nine years.At the later of Buddhist year 1256, the association to carry out certain religious duties were reorganize by the clerk U Mu(ShweBo governor of a twon ).

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